Music & Performance

Filo Ianni, music and performance

Filomena Ianni has cultivated her passion for music not only in community settings, organisationally and therapeutically, but by writing, performing and recording in small projects, on her own and in musical collaborations.

With Edward Foster, she is currently part of the folk/world music duo Water & Earth writing and performing their own music in their native rhythms, sounds and languages (English, Italian and Neapolitan). They released a debut album in March 2018.

Filomena and Edward also formed a Medieval music duo in 2021 called Aelfwine (Elf-friend in Anglosaxon).

She believes that making and sharing music in performances too are a relational venture, where the community building, cathartic, spiritual and inspirational power of music can be a potent medium for healing and social change. 

You can find the Water & Earth and Aelfwine duo on Facebook : Water & Earth Music, Alefwine

and on YouTube: Water & Earth, Alfwine Videos in Edward Foster Art

If you wish to know more, inquire or book a performance or musical project you can do so directly here.

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